take me back

People who are fine with reality are not in touch with reality.
--source unknown
saved 08/30/2019, 10:54 pm

If the library were to fall down right now, all the work that everybody had been doing would be worth nothing.
saved 09/10/2019, 9:41 pm

What is more appropriate to our world than that which is beautiful?
--N. Scott Momaday, A First American Views His Land
saved 01/13/2020, 3:29 pm

Things hoped for have a higher value than things assured.
--Aldo Leopold, Sand County Almanac
saved 02/03/2020, 9:10 am

You didn't believe in heaven because you knew heaven was here on Earth. You saw it clearly and you helped others see it. It's all here. All we could ever wish for or need is all around us.
--Liz Jenson, written for her son Iggy Fox
saved 02/07/2020, 10:49 pm

The eggs of the mantis are secure in little cases of thin parchment attached to the branch of a shrub by the mother who lived her life span with the summer that is gone.
--Rachel Carson, Silent Spring
saved 02/13/2020, 12:43 pm

If to be human is to be a thing in time shaped by other things in time -- a name on a birth certificate; the object of a dog's gaze; cremated ashes; a person who wants to love, though love seems small and out of place compared to plankton, viewed from space -- if this is what it means to be human, then our connection to the inhuman is intimate. We are all "entrances and exits"; "we must be in / common," as the fetus says to her mother.
--Image magazine (at North Star)
saved 02/26/2020, 6:14 pm

If I were an artist I would make a life-size sculpture of a full-grown tree and make ppl realize they don't have to go see it its all around them and its beautiful
saved 03/02/2020, 5:53 pm

Suspended between the nastiness of life and the meanness of the dead, she couldn't get interested in leaving life or living it, let alone the fright of the two creeping-off boys.
--Toni Morrison, Beloved
saved 03/06/2020, 1:52 pm

...some advice about how to keep on with a brain greedy for news nobody could live with in a world happy to provide it.
--Toni Morrison, Beloved
saved 03/07/2020, 6:02 am

Only 11 years old. RIP Elijah. I take so much of my life for granted and I've lived over twice the number of years you got. I'm gonna try harder!
--Facebook comment
saved 04/02/2020, 8:27 pm

Peace I leave you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your heart be troubled and do not be afraid. I am with you.
--John 14:27
saved 05/05/2020, 10:51 pm

If you're in pitch blackness, all you can do is sit tight until your eyes get used to the blackness.
--Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood
saved 06/18/2020, 2:43 pm

Death is light by which the shadow of all of life's meaning is measured. Without death, everything would feel inconsequential, all experience arbitrary, all metrics and values suddenly zero.
--Mark Manson, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fucksaved 06/23/2020, 9:14 am

Wonder where the time went when I see you smiling.
--Khalid, "Off the Grid"
saved 07/05/2020, 1:18 pm

see year 3