I'm going to need to think about what I want to do for my final project. I saw somewhere the idea of creating an active, engaging visual by introducing dots that attract and some that repel each other. It creates an ever-changing herding look to it. I don't know if that's grand enough for a final project, though.

With regards to the readings this week, I missed the class discussion, but I read the article on deepfakes. It's scary that something can so convincingly blend reality and fiction. I've been fooled easily by almost all deepfakes I've seen, and the article is correct that "The greatest harm of deepfakes may be to make people question everything".
I like the point that is made about who should be able to censor deepfakes. Allowing the governments to tell people what is fake is a slippery slope, but if technology companies are able to detect fake content, that could be an alternative to explore. God knows they have the data and resources to tackle it.