This week I finished my final project. I knew my overarching goal was to make my html elements interact with my p5.js rendering. Overall, I was pleased with my result although there are more kinks I could work out. I think I got the big issues resolved, though, so I am satisfied with the final product.

I used code from an example on p5.js because it was a perfect example of what I wanted -- balls bouncing off of each other. I didn't see the point to making it if it was already made well. But of course, I added my own touches. I created a color palette that would match the aesthetic of my art. Also I eliminated gravity and friction, and I made it so the circles would bounce off of the walls. And of course, I made it so that the circles would bounce off of the images.

I detailed in my documentation for the final the specific detailed issues I had with getting the balls to bounce off of the images naturally.